December 2022
Kyiv region

Directed fire at his own farm, occupied by the Russian military. We are collecting donations for restoration

In March, farmer Oleksandr Kryvosheia tipped off Ukrainian artillery at his own warehouse, occupied by Russian soldiers. Now to repair the warehouse roof, 15 000 USD is needed.

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December 2022
Current status

The roof restoration has been completed

From now on, the farmer has a warehouse to store grain.

What we did:

– dismantled the remains of the old roof and strengthened damaged supporting structures
– installed a new roof
– installed gates
– with the funds collected over the needed amount, asphalted the floor in the hangar that burned as a result of the rocket attack

Even though this year harvest is half as much as last year, and the profit from the sale of grain doesn’t cover expenses, Oleksandr is sure that things will go uphill, so he continues to restore the farm. Meanwhile, he says that help from donors was crucial because he would not have been able to do the reconstruction himself.

Detailed report
September – October 2022

Roof restoration work is underway

The necessary materials were also purchased.

October 2022

September 2022

September 2, 2022

Fundraising is completed

17 091 USD was raised.

Detailed report
August 29, 2022

Fundraiser is launched

Farmer Oleksandr Kryvosheia lives forty kilometers north of Kyiv, in Kozarovychi village. He grows corn and other grain crops on 500 hectares of leasehold land.

On February 25, Russian soldiers entered the village and occupied Oleksandr’s farm, where they stayed for over a month. During this time, the occupiers ate over a hundred sheep – half of the flock.

When the opportunity arose, Oleksandr directed the fire of the Armed Forces of Ukraine at his own warehouse. As a result of the rocket attack, the roof of the building, seeds, and equipment burned down. Oleksandr believes, however, that the most important thing is that the enemy military was forced to retreat.

"At that time none of us thought about the consequences. The main thing was to chase away the enemy," he said.

Now Oleksandr Kryvosheia is rebuilding the farm from scratch. With the support of other farmers, he was able to organize a sowing campaign: he borrowed seeds, borrowed equipment, and is already harvesting the yield.

Currently, it is extremely important to rebuild the roof of the warehouse – otherwise, the harvest will get wet and rot under the open sky. The Keep Going Foundation procured corrugated sheet metal for the roof and is now fundraising to install it. The labor cost is 15 000 USD.

Join the fundraiser for Oleksandr Kryvosheia — help him rebuild the farm and save the harvest.



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